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The Shape of a Japan-UK Free Trade Agreement

Michito Tsuruoka, "The Shape of a Japan-UK Free Trade Agreement: Limiting damages or designing a bold future?" The Diplomat, 2 April 2020.

Article URL: https://thediplomat.com/2020/04/the-shape-of-a-japan-uk-free-trade-agreement/

Also reprinted as Michito Tsuruoka, "The Shape of a Japan-U.K. free trade agreement: Should the aim be limiting damage or designing a bold future?" The Japan Times, 4 April 2020.

Article URL: https://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2020/04/04/commentary/japan-commentary/shape-japan-u-k-free-trade-agreement-2/#.XoljNcj7RPY

There is a trade-off between (1) making the agreement ready on time, thus limiting damage and (2) designing a bold future by showing a new model of the economic partnership between advanced and mature economies. It all depends on the outcome of the EU-UK negotiations. Trade negotiators in Tokyo do not want to conclude a definitive deal with London before knowing the final shape of the EU-UK economic partnership - thus they remain in the wait-and-see mode.




日英FTAについては、時機を見て日本語でも何か書ければと思っていますが、とりあえずは、The DiplomatないしThe Japan Timesの英文コメンタリーをご覧いただければと思います。