Welcome to Michito Tsuruoka's blog. This space is mainly used to announce my new publications.


Workshop on EU-Japan Cooperation

2012年2月21日(火)に東京のJICA研究所にて、ワークショップ「Addressing Local Conflicts Before They Turn Global(紛争の拡大を未然に防ぐ対応を目指して)――日EU協力の可能性」が開催されます。




A workshop "Addressing Local Conflicts Before They Turn Global" will be held at the JICA Research Institute (JICA-RI) in Tokyo on 21 February 2012. It is a second workshop in the context of the research project on EU-Japan cooperation launched by the European Japan Advanced Research Network (EJARN) and Kanrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) last year. I will be on a couple of panels. Please see below for details and registration (advance registration is required).







Defining Europe's Strategic Interests in Asia

Michito Tsuruoka, "Defining Europe's Strategic Interests in Asia," Studia Diplomatica: The Brussels Journal of International Relations, Vol. 64, No. 3 (2011) has just been published.

The articles examines how Europe's strategic interests in Asia have been presented and how they can be defined in a clearer manner. The journal is a quarterly publication by Egmont Institute, the Royal Institute for International Relations in Brussels and this is a special issue devoted to Asian security. If you are interested, I would be pleased to send you a PDF of the article. Do not hesitate to contact me.
(Table of contents) http://www.egmontinstitute.be/SD-2011-2012.html
(Table of contents and introduction in PDF) http://www.egmontinstitute.be/SD/SD_LXIV-3_intro.pdf

ベルギー王立国際関係研究所(Egmont Institute)刊行のStudia Diplomatica: The Brussels Journal of International Relations最新号に、"Defining Europe's Strategic Interests in Asia"と題した拙稿が掲載されました。表題のとおり、アジアにおける欧州の戦略的利益について論じたものです。ご興味がおありの方はご連絡くださいませ。PDFをお送りいたします。なお、本号はアジアの安全保障特集号です。