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Competing Visions of Japan’s International Engagement (The International Spectator)

Michito Tsuruoka, "Competing Visions of Japan's International Engagement: Japan First vs Global Japan," The International Spectator, Vol. 55, No.  (2020) is now available.

URL: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/03932729.2020.1712135

The state and direction of Japan’s international engagement can best be understood as a competition between the ‘Japan first’ and ‘global Japan’ schools of thought. In light of the ever worsening security environment surrounding Japan, the gap between the Japan first school advocating a focus on the immediate needs of Japan’s territorial defence and the global Japan school arguing for more global engagement is widening. The competition between the two will continue to shape the direction of Japan’s foreign and security posture – and importantly, the global Japan school is far from winning, contrary to what Abe’s hyperactive diplomacy might suggest.

An earlier and shorter version appeared as Michito Tsuruoka, "Japan First Versus Global Japan," The National Interest, 14 January 2018.

The International Spectator誌に、"Competing Visions of Japan's International Engagement: Japan First vs Global Japan"と題した論文を寄稿しました。日本の外交安全保障、特に国際的関与の方向性は、「Japan First」と「Global Japan」という2つの基本的立場のせめぎ合いとして理解できるという趣旨です。このテーマは、引き続き深めていくことができればと考えています。