Welcome to Michito Tsuruoka's blog. This space is mainly used to announce my new publications.


Mutual Support and Common Interests in Asia and European Neighborhoods

Michito Tsuruoka, 'Mutual Support and Common Interests in Asia and European Neighborhoods', Policy Brief (Washington, DC: German Marshall Fund of the United States, April 2015) has just been published and is available at the GMF website here.

Link: http://www.gmfus.org/publications/mutual-support-and-common-interests-asia-and-european-neighborhoods

It looks at security linkages between Europe and Japan particularly in the wake of the Ukraine crisis. The degree of interconnectedness between the two regions is increasing, but is Europe too busy in dealing with its own neighbourhood? Europe-Japan/Asia security cooperation has already become a strategic imperative.


Asian Countries' Strategies towards the EU (NTU Press)

Hungdah Su ed., Asian Countries' Strategies towards the European Union in an Inter-regionalist Context (Taipei: National Taiwan University Press, 2015) has been published.

I contributed a chapter on Japan-EU relations - other contributors include Lay Hwee Yeo (on ASEAN), Rajandra Jain (on India) and Wai Ting (on China) among others.

NTUP: http://eng.press.ntu.edu.tw/?act=book&refer=ntup_book00766



GMF Video Interview on Common Security Challenges Facing Japan and Europe

My GMF video interview on common security challenges facing Japan and Europe is now available (GMF website and YouTube). I gave this interview during the Japan Trilateral Forum, Brussels in January 2015.

2015年1月にブリュッセルで開催のGMFのJapan Trilateral Forumで収録したビデオインタビューです。欧州とアジアに共通する挑戦としての「力による現状変更」や、アジアにおける欧州の役割への期待についてコメントしました。